Kings Seeds are a leading seed supplier based in Kelvedon, Essex, UK with over 135 experience.

Prices offered to our tenants are around 40% less than usual.
Catalogues and order forms are usually available online from late August.
To buy online you need to be registered as a buyer.
Existing buyers
Log in with
Put in your email as the username
Put in your password.
If this doesn’t work, start again but when you get to the log in page, put in your email and then click on ‘Forgotten password’ straight away. This will trigger an automatic response from Kings allowing you to reset your password.
New buyers.
Contact Fran Woodley (Seeds Secretary) – on with your full contact details. On receipt I will send your details to
Kings and they will email you so that you can set up your account.
Please make sure that you check your spam folder.