Tenants may put up one shed (provided they do not exceed the permitted size limitations) and one greenhouse on their plot.
Before erecting any structure, details including size and location must be provided to the Allotments Officer.
Maximum size of both sheds and greenhouses is 2.45m long x 2.45m wide x 2.13m high (8’x8’x7′).

Written permission from the Allotments Officer is required for the size and siting of a poly-tunnel (Maximum size of a poly tunnel is 10’x8’x7’).
Poly tunnels erected before 31 December 2013, are not affected,
however should the Plot Holder leave, the poly tunnel is to be removed and these rules will apply.
All structures on allotments must be temporary and maintained in a safe order. If the Allotments Officer is not satisfied with the safe state of a structure the tenant must either repair it to the Allotment Officers satisfaction
or remove it within one month of instruction to do so.
If the structure is not removed, the tenancy will be terminated and the cost of removal forwarded to the tenant.
All applicable structures must have guttering / down pipes and a suitable container(s) (i.e. covered water butts) for water conservation.
Any structures erected on the allotment must not be made from any hazardous materials, and must be adequately secured to the ground to prevent uplift.
All structures must be kept within the boundary of the allotment plot, not impinging on to any path or road way.
No permanent fences are to be erected on any allotment site or plot (i.e. fences cannot be constructed that have posts concreted into the ground – however, pegs or ground anchors are permitted -and should be
constructed in such a way as to be moveable in sections, requiring no more than two people to lift).
All plots will preserve an open aspect (i.e. no solid fencing around plot boundaries). Exceptions can be made with written permission from the Allotments Officer in particular circumstances.