Please be aware of the following information as it applies to all Plot Holders. Failure to comply with the requirements will result in our insurance being invalid and claims not being accepted.
Keepers of Chickens
- No more than 20 chickens are to be kept on any one plot.
- The chickens are to be kept in proper coups that are secured shut with a padlock.
- All relevant regulations provided by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) are to be complied with.
- All areas where chickens are kept are to be clearly separate and marked with signs.
- All foodstuff for the chickens is to be kept offsite OR in vermin proof conditions.
If you keep chickens, it is your responsibility to ensure you comply with these rules. If you don’t, then you will not be able to make a claim under our insurance should circumstances arise.
Ponds and Water Butts
Water butts and other water holding containers on site should be completely enclosed to prevent a person or animal from falling in.
PLEASE ensure that you close all water butt lids when you have finished using them.
Any pond (depth as shallow as 10cm) should be fenced at a height of no less than 1m and all sections of the fence should be kept clear of object to prevent a child from using them to climb in. If a gate is fitted the gate should be self-closing and open outwards from the pond with the latch/key being fitted to the inside.
Please check your allotment and ensure that anything that contains water complies with these requirements.
Our insurers will NOT pay out on any claims arising from or to an unaccompanied minor on the allotment site.
A “minor” is classified as anyone who is under the age of 18 years.
Please ensure that your children remain on your plot at all times when visiting the allotments.