Author: Geny Foster
The past year was incredibly bad for slugs, they were everywhere and in great quantities! SLUG PELLETS Slug pellets containing metaldehyde are a particularly toxic poison which not only kill molluscs but are a danger to wildlife such as birds, earthworms, pets and humans (see below) Alternative pellets containing ferric phosphate (available from the Hut)…
Leek Moth – allium leaf miner fly
How to Tell You Have Allium Leaf Miner The pest only attacks members of the onion family. Leeks, chives, garlic, shallots and onions are very much at risk. The track marks on the leaves indicate eggs are being laid. Sometimes the leaves will show tracks from the tunnels (galleries) eaten by the maggot. The leaves…
in the 2009 winter edition of Get Diggin we featured an article about Aminopyralid contamination. What is this chemical, how is it spreading and what can we do? In 2008 vegetable crops were damaged through residues of this weed killer chemical in livestock manure. Despite campaigns by numerous organisations the Advisory Committee on Pesticides agreed aminopyralid by…