Author: Geny Foster

  • Scrap Metal

    At various times throughout the year the Committee will arrange for someone to attend the site and collect scrap metal. An email will be sent out advising plotholders of the collection date. Any items you wish to dispose of should be placed at the edge of your plot It is your responsibility to ensure that…

  • CCTV

    Unfortunately at times, we receive reports that fruit and vegetables are being stolen on the allotments. As a committee we take this very seriously but are limited in what we can actually do about it. The allotment rules state that all thefts must be reported to the police and an incident number obtained. We will…

  • Security

    When you have completed the paperwork for your plot, you will be provided with a key to the gates. The same key works for both the top and bottom gates. You must always keep the gates at the top or bottom of the site locked. The gates are opened by volunteers on Sunday between 10:00am…