Category: Information Posts

  • Bonfires

    Bonfires are not allowed between 1st March and 31st October. It is illegal for anyone to light a fire between these dates. If you do, you risk eviction from your plot. Please note that this is a Town Council Ruling, not a request from the Committee. Please keep the bonfire material such as wood, stalks…

  • Keeping Chickens

    WEST NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND ALLOTMENT RULES ON KEEPING POULTRY If you want to keep chickens on your plot the 1st thing you’ll need is permission from the allotment committee. The committee in turn have to get permission from the West Northamptonshire Council. To apply you’ll need to complete an application form. This is available from the…

  • Paths

    The paths on your allotment must be kept clear and tidy with grass mown and weed free. It is your responsibility as tenant to cut grass paths and verges to the right hand side of your plot, as you look from the road way, and at either end of the plot. Paths can be made…