Within the allotment site we have the Community Allotment plots, which are run for the benefit of those who need reassurance and confidence to start mixing with others and those who would like to learn how to grow fruit and vegetables in a supportive environment. People who work with volunteers on the Community Allotments are referred through the charity Re:store.
The Community Allotment has already celebrated 10 years!
The Community Allotments are sited on two full plots and two half plots, with some of our participants growing vegetables on their own mini-plots.
People are taught basic skills so that they can grow their own fruit and vegetables and there is always produce for people to take home. Over the summer and autumn months boxes of produce are sent to the Briar Hill Food Bank, which are much appreciated.
There is a small greenhouse and we grow all our own plants for the plots, with enough seeds, tools and equipment for everyone. We all meet on a Wednesday morning for two hours with a break for coffee and biscuits. There are some people who have been working with the team for years and some who have recently joined.
The team is always looking for another volunteer. If you enjoy growing vegetables and would be happy to work with and chat to one or two members of our group, you would be most welcome. The commitment is two hours on a Wednesday morning, although the team does not meet every week over the winter months!

Wendy Nugent, who heads the team, is usually in the hut most Sunday mornings.